Jung, K., Han, S.W.*, & Min, Y.* (accepted pending minor revision). Active maintenance of working memory contents affects functioning of attentional filtering. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. * denotes joint senior authorship.
Kim, C.+, Lee, N.+, Jung, K.*, & Han, S. W.* (minor revision). The degree of parallel/serial processing affects stimulus-driven and memory-driven attentional capture: Evidence for the attentional window account. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. +denotes co-first authorship. 

Jung, S., Kim, J. Y., Jo, S.*, & Han, S. W.* (2023). The involvement of the multiple demand and default mode networks in a trial-by-trial cognitive control. Brain Sciences, 13(9), 1247.
Jung, K., Han, S. W.*, & Min, Y. K.* (2023). Perceptual integration modulates dissociable components of experience-dependent attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 983-993.
Kim, C. & Han, S. W.* (2023). Stimulus heterogeneity in a task-irrelevant dimension affects selective attention. Behavioral Sciences, 13(6), 495.

Jung, K., Han, S. W.*, & Min, Y. K.* (2022). Comparing the temporal dynamics and efficacy of task-relevant and task-irrelevant memory-driven attention. Cognitive Processing, 23, 299-308
Han, S. W. & Kim, C. W. (2022). Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying Internet/Smartphone Addiction: A Preliminary fMRI Study. Tomography, 8(4), 1781-1790. 

Jung, K., Han, S. W.*, & Min, Y. K.* (2021). Sharper attentional tuning with target templates in long-term compared to working memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28(4), 1261-1269.
Bae, E., Kim, J. Y., & Han, S. W.* (2021). The role of right temporo-parietal junction in stimulus evaluation. Brain & Cognition 152.
Lee, J, Jung, K.*, &  Han, S.W.* (2021). Serial, self-terminating search can be distinguished from others: Evidence from multi-target search data. Cognition, 212
Jo, S., Kim, J. Y., & Han, S. W.* (2021). Top-down control of attention under varying task loads. Acta Psychologica, 216.
Jung, K., Min, Y. K.*, & Han, S. W.* (2021). Response of multiple demand network to visual search demands. NeuroImage, 229.

Lee, J., & Han, S. W.* (2020). Visual search proceeds concurrently during the attentional blink and response selection bottleneck. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 2893-2908.
Jung, K., Han, S.W. *, & Min, Y. K.* (2020). Opposing effects of stimulus-driven and memory-driven attention in visual search. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review., 27, 105-113.

Han, S. W., Eaton, H. P., & Marois, R. (2019). Functional fractionation of the cingulo-opercular network: Alerting insula and updating cingulate. Cerebral Cortex, 29(6). 2624-2638.
Yoon, Y., Jung, S., Jeoung, K., Ha, S., Kim, D., & Han, S. W.* (2019). Cue frequency modulates cuing effect either in the presence or in the absence of distractors. Acta Psychologica, 193, 73-79.
Jung, K., Han, S. W.*, & Min, Y.* (2019). Search efficiency is not sufficient; the nature of search modulates stimulus-driven attention. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81(1), 61-70.

2018 Bae, E., Jung, S.*, & Han, S. W.* (2018). The perceptual enhancement by spatial attention is impaired during the attentional blink. Acta Psychologica, 190, 150-158.
Jung, S., Yoon, Y.*, & Han, S. W.* (2018). Working memory-driven attention in real-world search. Perception, 47(9), 966-975. 
Han, S. W. (2018). Opposing effects of memory-driven and stimulus-driven attention on distractor perception, Cognitive Processing, 18(1), 117-123.
Han, S. W., Shin, H., Jeong, D., Jung, S., Bae, E., Kim, J. Y., Baek, H., & Kim, K. (2018). Neural substrates of purely endogenous, self-regulatory control of attention, Scientific Reports, 8, 1-10. 

Han, S. W. (2017). Search for capacity-limited and super-capacity search. Experimental Psychology, 64(3), 149-158. 
Han, S. W. (2017). The involvement of central attention in visual search is determined by task demands.  Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 726-737.

Han, S. W., & Jung, W. H. (2016). Your own face is no more precious than others’: Evidence from the simultaneous-sequential paradigm. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23. 187-192.

Han, S. W. (2015). Working memory contents revive the neglected, but suppress the inhibited. Cognition, 145, 116-121.
Han, S. W. (2015). Working memory contents enhance perception under stimulus-driven competition. Memory & Cognition, 43. 432-440.

Han, S. W. & Marois, R. (2014). The effects of stimulus-driven competition and task set on involuntary attention. Journal of Vision, 14,1-24.
Han, S. W. & Marois, R. (2014). Functional fractionation of the stimulus-driven attention network. Journal of Neuroscience. 35, 6958-6969. 

Han, S. W. & Marois, R. (2013). The source of dual-task limitations: Serial bottleneck or multiple response selections? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75, 1395-1405.
Han, S. W. & Marois, R. (2013). Dissociation between process-based and data-based limitations for conscious perception in the human brain. NeuroImage, 64, 399-406.  

2011 & before
Todd, J. J., Han, S. W., Harrison, S. A., & Marois, R. (2011). The neural correlates of visual working memory encoding: A time-resolved fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1527-1536.
Han, S. W. & Kim, M. -S. (2009). Do the contents of working memory capture attention? Yes, but cognitive control matters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 35, 1292-1302.​
Han, S. W. & Kim, M. -S. (2008). Spatial working memory load impairs signal enhancement, but not attentional orienting. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 916-923.