Sukrit Gupta

About Me & My journey so far..

I am a robotics enthusiast. My journey in the field of robotics began when I got an opportunity to attend a lecture on basic robotics in high school. Ever since then, I have been hooked to this field and have constantly dreamed about becoming a roboticist.  

In order to chase my dreams, I decided to pursue my bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) in the Southern Indian town of Vellore. During my first year, I got introduced to the world of computer programming and got the opportunity to design my very first mobile robot, a simple line follower that by making use of Infrared sensors, managed to follow a black line.  After this beginners experience, I kept on working on improving my knowledge base and skill set and joined the student chapter of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), where I received suitable guidance from my seniors .  In my second year, I got introduced to the world of Machine Learning and Deep Learning and began working on various cool projects in the field. I also worked on my next robotics project in the form of a mobile manipulator. Having gained a good amount of knowledge and experience in the fields of robotics and machine learning through various elective courses, I started delivering workshops on these topics to fellow university students. As a result of my progress, I was appointed the Technical Head of the IET in my third year.  As my first act of being the Technical Head,  I founded the research and projects team of the chapter named 'Team Fourth Dimension'. This team was created with an aim to provide a platform to the fellow members of the chapter to collaborate on various technical projects in different fields of engineering. With these added responsibilities, I began to mentor my juniors and gave them suitable guidance for their various projects. In the final year, as the part of my bachelor thesis, under the guidance of Dr. Mathew M. Noel, I worked with Deep Learning and designed a 3D convolution neural network that could detect hand gestures. 

Having completed my undergraduate studies, it was time to take the biggest decision of my life. The decision to travel abroad for the very first time, thousands of kilometers away from home all the way to the Netherlands, to pursue a master's degree in the areas of my interest and further enhance my knowledge.  I got the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies from one of the top most engineering schools in the world, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). 

Keeping my interest of robotics in mind, I decided to pursue a Master of Science degree in Systems and Control. Moving to a different country and adjusting to a whole new lifestyle and culture was a challenge. A challenge that I relished. Also, experiencing a stark difference in the Indian and Dutch education, I suffered various academic setbacks and failures. But with time I managed to come out on top. All these experiences, filled with numerous ups and downs, gave me valuable life lessons, for which I will be thankful for the rest of my life. In the second year of my master studies, I joined the Autonomous Multi Robots (AMR) lab at the Cognitive Robotics department of the university to conduct research for my master thesis. Having a great interest in Robot Motion Planning and Robot Learning, under the guidance of Dr. Javier Alonso Mora, I decided work on End-to-End Motion Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicles.  The work at the AMR lab was my first experience of scientific research in the field of robotics. An experience that taught me the art of reading research papers, deepened my knowledge about robotics  and made me realize how demanding and tough scientific research is and how much important being patient and level headed is to achieve the desired results. I worked at the group for one and half years, during the course of which I immensely improved my programming skills and also got to collaborate with other researchers in the group. In the end, I successfully defended my thesis on 28th February, 2020 and graduated with a master's degree in systems and control.

After my graduation, I joined Pace Robotics as one of the founding members in Bengaluru, India. The aim at Pace Robotics was to bring the next wave of technological disruption to the lagging construction sector. With that in mind, we begun the development of a modular wall finishing robot that could autonomously do interior wall finishing tasks of painting, putty, primer and sanding. Currently at Pace Robotics, I am leading the Robot Autonomy vertical of the product development and overseeing the development of algorithms and software stack ensuring an autonomous operation of our robots at a construction site.