Sukjung Hwang's (황숙정) homepage

2019, Gaeta, Italy

Welcome to Sukjung(Sue) Hwang's (황숙정) home page!

I am a mathematician mainly concerning various types of partial differential equations (PDEs), including elliptic and parabolic, linear and nonlinear, scalar equations, and systems of equations. 

By enriching the scope of my understanding of PDEs, I would like to create new techniques and investigate regularity and existence theories for various types of PDEs for their interests and further applications.

I did my Ph. D. at Iowa State University under the guidance of Prof. Gary M. Lieberman.  

Currently, I am an assistant professor at Chungbuk National University, Department of Mathematics Education. 



      105 E1-1(82)

Department of Mathematics Education

Chungbuk National University,

1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu,

Cheongju, Chungbuk 28644, Korea

<sukjungh at>

<sukjungh at>