
1. J.John, S.Sujitha, A.Vijayan,The forcing edge covering number of a graph, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp: 249-259, 2011, ISSN No. 0972-0529, Impact Factor: 0.54.

  1. J.John, S.Sujitha, A.Vijayan, The upper edge- to- vertex geodetic number of a graph, International journal of Mathematical archives, Vol. 3, No-4, pp: 1423-1428, 2012, ISSN No. 2229-5046, Impact Factor: 5.09.

  2. J.John, S.Sujitha, Extreme edge- to -vertex geodesic graphs, International journal of Mathematical Research, Vol. 6, No-3, pp: 279-288, 2014,ISSN No. 0976-5840.

  3. J.John, S.Sujitha, The Forcing edge-to-vertex geodetic number of a graph, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol:103, No. 1, pp:109-121, 2015, ISSN No. 1311-8080, Impact Factor: 3.83.

  4. S.Sujitha, The upper forcing edge-to-vertex geodetic number of a graph, International journal of mathematics and soft computing, Vol.6, No.1, pp 29-38, 2016, ISSN No. 2249- 3328, Impact Factor: 0.5714.

  5. S.Sujitha, The Lower and Upper Forcing Edge-to-vertex Geodetic Numbers of a Graph, International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research, Vol: 4, Issue 6, 2016, PP 23-27, 2016, ISSN No. 2347-307X, Impact Factor: 4.433.

  6. S.Sujitha, The Forcing Edge-to-vertex Geodetic Number and The Forcing Edge covering Number of a Graph, Crossian Resonance, Vol.7, No. 1, pp 111-116, 2016, ISSN No. 0976-5417.

  7. S.Sujitha, The Edge-to-vertex geodetic number of some snake graphs, Crossian Resonance, Vol.8, No. 2, pp 110-113, 2017, ISSN No. 0976-5417.

  8. L.Mary Jenitha and S.Sujitha, The Connectivity Number of an Arithmetic Graph , International Journal Of Mathematical Combinatorics, Special Issue 1, pp 132-136, 2018, ISSN 1937 - 1055

  9. S.Sujitha and E. Surya Armstrong, The Eccentric-Distance Sum Of Cycles And Related Graphs, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Vol. 6, No.1, pp 119-127, 2019, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138.

  10. S.Sujitha and R.Chenthil Thanga Bama, Distance Parameters for a Ferrers Graph, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp 193-196, 2019, ISSN:1553-9105.

  11. L.Mary Jenitha and S.Sujitha, The Average Connectivity of an Arithmetic Graph, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp 204-207, 2019, ISSN:1553-9105.

  12. S.Sujitha and J. Jenisha, The Degree Distance of some class of Graphs, International Journal of Scientific and Research, Vol. 8, No.3, pp 773-781, 2019, ISSN: 2279 – 0543.

  13. S.Sujitha and C.L. Nithya, Demography of Tamil Nadu from 2015 to 2025-An Analysis Using Finite Differences, International Journal of Scientific and Research, Vol. 8, No.3, pp 752-757, 2019, ISSN: 2279 – 0543.

  14. S.Sujitha, J.Deensha, Lizma Herina John, The Wiener Number of Some Edge Deleted Graphs, Crossian Resonance, Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 110-115, 2019, ISSN: 0976-5417.

  15. L.Mary Jenitha and S.Sujitha, Super connected and hyper connected arithmetic graphs, Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 1, 243-247, 2020, 10.26637/ MJM0S20/ 0046.

  16. L.Mary Jenitha and S.Sujitha, The Cyclic Edge Connectivity Number of an Arithmetic Graph G=Vn, Journal of Scientific Research of The Banaras Hindu University, Vol. 65, No. 9, pp. 44-50, 0447-9483,Dec.2021

  17. R.Chenthil Thangabama and S.Sujitha, Line Graph in Ferrers Graph,The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis,Vol. 14, No.1, pp. 414-416, Jan 2022, ISSN: 0886-9367.

  18. S.Sujitha, L.Mary Jenitha and M.K. Angel Jebitha, Complementary Connected Domination and Connectivity Number of an Arithmetic Graph G = Vn, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, Vol.64, No.12, pp.1-10, Jan.2022 ISSN: 1927-5307,

  19. S. Sujitha and D. Sharmila, The Adjacency Energy of a T2 Hypergraph, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics (ICDM2021-MSU) ISBN 978-93-91077-53-2, pp.317-323, Nov.2021.

  20. V. Babisha, J.Jenisha and S.Sujitha, Graphical representation of single elimination tournament and its degree sequences,Crossian Resonance, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 189-198, Dec.2021, ISSN: 0976-5417.

  21. S. Sujitha and L. Mary Jenitha,The 3 – component connectivity number of an arithmetic graph, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics (ICDM2021-MSU) ISBN 978-93-91077-53-2, pp.328-333, Nov.2021.

  22. L.Mary Jenitha and S.Sujitha, The Cyclic Connectivity Number of an Arithmetic Graph G =Vn, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 21, No.5, pp. 2599-2619, 0974-6803,Mar.2022.

  23. Sujitha S. Mary Jenitha L., Super Edge Connectivity Number of an Arithmetic Graph, Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society, Vol. 28, No. 01, pp. 69–74, June 2022.