What was Zoom to the Hart?

Zoom to the Hart is a virtual climate summit happening this spring as a covid-friendly alternative to our Walk to the Hart event, which can't happen this year. At Zoom to the Hart, you can expect inspiring speakers and fun sustainability related activities. At the end of the summit, each school that attends will use what they've learned to come up with Climate Action Plans for their school!

When was Zoom to the Hart?

-Thursday, April 22nd

-Friday April 23rd 


Who was involved?

-The Suffield Sustainability Council

-National Geographic

-The Audubon Society

-350.org CT

-CT Sierra Club

-Save the Sound

-The Wild Center

-Half Earth Education

-People's Action for Clean Energy (PACE)

-Green Eco Warriors

-DC Food Kitchen

-Sustainable CT

-Blue Earth Composting



Zoom To the Hart Schedule:

Day 1: Thurs April 22nd 9:00am-12:30pm

9:00-9:10   Intro/Icebreaker

9:10-9:20 Dan Kinzer from National Geographic

9:20-9:30 John Francis from National Geographic

9:30-9:40 Joe Cutler from National Geographic

9:40-9:50 Brain Break Activity

9:50-10:00 Amy Bachman from DC Food Kitchen

10:00-10:10 Leticia Colon de Mejias from Green Eco Warriors

10:10-10:20 Alecander Williams from Blue Eath Composting

10:20-10:30 Erin Griffin from the Wild Center

10:30-10:40 Breakout Rooms- Discussion

10:40-10:50 Regroup, Discuss Highlights

10:50-11:00 Dennis Liu from Half Earth Education

11:00-11:10 Alyssa Norwood from Sustainability CT

11:10-11:20 Mike Trahan from SolarCONN

11:20-11:30 TH Culhane and/or Shah Selbe from National Geographic and SolarCITIES/Conservify

11:30-11:40 Sustainabiltiy Kahoot

11:40-12:00 Discuss/Debrief for the day (breakout)

12:00-12:10 Come up with Personal Climate Goals

12:10-12:25 Share Personal Climate Goals

12:25-12:30 Wrap Up

Day 2: Fri April 23nd 9:00am-12:30pm

9:00-9:10 Opening activity 

9:10-9:20 Sena Wazer (Youth Leader)

9:20-9:30 Adrian Huq (Youth Leader)

9:30-9:20 Alex Rodriguez from Save the Sound

9:40-9:45 Video (What is a Climate Action Plan?)

9:45-9:55 Breakout by School: Pick a Topic

9:55-10:00 Break

10:00-11:30 Schools Enter the Room they Chose and Work with Experts to Draft their Climate Action Plans

11:30-11:40 Share Climate Action Plan

11:40-11:55 Scavenger Hunt

12:00-12:15 Debrief for the Day

12:15-12:30 Wrap up