
Spring 2020

Macroeconomics and the Indian Economy:

This course is an introduction to the principles of macroeconomics with an emphasis on the Indian economy. The course is divided into three modules. The first module will introduce the students to the Indian Economy and the questions the policy makers are facing to bring the economy out of its’ current state. This module will act as a motivation for the concepts taught in rest of the course. The second module of the course focuses on the connection between savings investment and the financial system of an economy and how an economy is connected to the rest of the world. The third module will essentially focus on the policy prescriptions and the essential tools a policy maker requires to understand for sound policy making.

Introduction to Python:

This course is on how Python can be used to understand the world around us. The course is intended as an entry to the programming world of Python. and will focus on building programming skills. The course is divided into three modules. The modules are sequenced so that at the end of the course, the students have the required skill set to analyze data and subsequently interpret results. No prior programming experience is required.

Spring 2018

Central Banking and Monetary Policy Operations:

This course will give the students a peek into the world of central banking. What do Central Banks do when they face a situation like ‘The Great Depression’ or ‘The Financial Crisis’; How did the Bank of Japan cope when the Japanese Economy was facing a deflationary situation for a period of almost 14 years; What is quantitative easing?; Why was quantitative easing considered successful for the US economy vis-à-vis the Japanese economy; What is the hue and cry in the Indian media about the autonomy of RBI and why is autonomy required for a Central Bank? These are some of the essential question that we will try to understand and answer through the course. The course is divided into three modules. The first module will introduce the students to the kinds of financial markets and the types of instruments that are used in the different financial markets. The second module of the course will focus on Central Banking and the conduct of monetary policy; and how the various instruments mentioned in module one are used, specifically in the context of The Federal Reserve. The third module will focus on the same aspects as discussed in the second module but with respect to The Reserve Bank of India.