Hello and welcome to my web-site,
My name is Sudhendu Kopergaonkar, sounds little complex? No problem, you can call me SK as I am known for in my professional circle.
So why I have created this site? This never came in my mind and I was always updating my LinkedIn or FB profiles. One day someone wanted to know bit more about me systematically. I thought I should better share my CV though it was not for a job interview. Then I realized, I have worked on 100s of web-site so far in my career so why should not I have a simple web-site created for me so I can better present my-self in this digital world.
I chose this google sites platform finally and now it is in front of you. Let me present some key points about me:
- 30 years of overall IT Experience (from 1988 till date)
- Successfully handled senior positions at the level of Director/VP
- Exposure to various technologies and methodologies
- Worked with and for wide range of industries
- Well versed with every situation arises in professional life and confident to handle all
- Well versed with business processes in Manufacturing, Retail, Education, Finance etc.
- Self motivated, physically fit, confident and energetic, good writing and communication skills, ability to manage stress, time and people effectively
- Ready to work at any geographical location
- Traveled widely within the country and Africa, Middle-East, Pacific
- Consistent, dedicated and passionate towards achieving goals
So at this senior level, I am ready to take variety of challenges if available in the organization. Please go-through other pages to see my professional experience, projects I've worked and my capabilities.
Thank you,