
Research is "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge". It involves the collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue.

Journal :

  1. Biswas, S., Biswa, N., & Mondal, K. C. (2019). Parallel and Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithms: A recent survey. Information Management and Computer Science (IMCS), 2(1), 15-24.


  1. Biswas, S., Biswas, N., & Mondal, K. C. (2018, November). Parallel Apriori based distributed association rule mining: A comprehensive survey. In 2018 Fourth International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN) (pp. 202-207). IEEE.

  2. Biswas, S., & Mondal, K. C. (2018, July). Dynamic FP Tree Based Rare Pattern Mining Using Multiple Item Supports Constraints. In International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics (pp. 291-305). Springer, Singapore.

  3. Chakraborty, S., Biswas, S., & Debnath, S. (2021). Prediction and Analysis on COVID-19 Using Positive and Negative Association Rule Mining. In Proceedings of Research and Applications in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1-11). Springer, Singapore.