Brulé Beans

Appearance: The outside of the bean is crispy caramelized sugar. The inside is filled with custard. When grown in warmer climates the custard may have more of a cinnamon flavor.

Magic: Not inherently magical but when under intense heat the cream filling does expand out of the beans and so potion makers keep them around to smother firey or volatile potions that have gotten out of control.

Location: Moderate to hot climates. They are easily grown by many farmers and store well in most dry environments.

Edibility: Very edible when raw, but not if they’ve been used to contain a potion explosion. The rapidly expanded goo of the bean becomes a bitter foam and can become poisonous depending on the potion ingredients it may have come in contact with. Since they don’t cook well they can be mushed into a paste that can be used in many sauces or dips.