Taffy Squids

Appearance: Taffy squids are brightly colored cephalopods. They have 8 total arms 2 of which are extra long and have additional grabbers at the end. Taffy squids can be stripped, spotted or patternless. Their eyes are large and often as bright as their bodies.

Nature: They are smart creatures and may take different forms with their squishy bodies in order to play with other sea life or impress mates. They don’t often go to the surface but when they do they may be agitated by passing ships and attack them. Some sailors view them as vicious and aggressive creatures because of this, but they’re actually playful and curious most of the time.

Magic: They’re ability to change shape seems more magical than physical. Taffy squids are naturally very flexible but they sometimes take forms that would seem impossible for their size.

Diet: Small sea life, especially shellfish make up most of their diet.

Location: Squids live deep in the sugar oceans of Sucreterre. They have been spotted near the surface during warm seasons when they’re looking for mates.

The character Taff is a taffy squid who is able to keep a semi-humanoid form.