Sour Harpies

Average Lifespan: 50~60 years

Appearance: Sour harpies are feathered humanoids with wings for arms. Their wings have clawed hands and their legs are scaled and clawed as well. The females are much larger than the male counterparts and monochromatic in color. Males have extra large plumage with multiple colors. All males have at least one very long tail feather. Sour harpy wings have sour crystals embedded in them, giving them an almost sparkling look to add to their bright colors.

Nature: Harpies are a very reclusive race. Since the females are the guards, and the males typically stay in their nests/ towns, very few people are even aware that there are male harpies at all. The guardian females are aggressive and quick to fight anyone entering their territories.

Magic: The sour crystals on their feathers are responsible for their ability to fly and maneuver in the air, despite wings that might not normally lift a species of their size. As such, their feathers could be used to make objects lighter in weight or for temporary flight/ levitation potions. (If anyone dared to get close enough to gather any)

Diet:Sour harpies seem to be carnivorous, their aggressive reclusivity makes them hard to study.

Location: They live in small groups in mountains all across sucreterre and sometimes in the treetops of large forests.