
Average Lifespan: 100 ~150 years

Appearance: Reindough are tall hoofed humanoids with deer faces and antlers. They may be gingerbread or sugar cookie in appearance. Both versions have frosting patterns on their horns and fur. The sugar cookie reindough are commonly red, green, yellow, or white, while the gingerbread variety are only ever white to dark brown in color.

Nature: This hardy species is the epitome of “work hard, play hard”. They love getting their hands dirty and rough housing with each other. Reindough are also rumored to be big lovers of BDSM, especially the B.

Magic: Reindough can make themselves and objects they carry magically lighter for a period of time. When they strengthen this skill it can make them great mail carriers and sometimes gives them an appearance of flight.

Diet: Reindough are herbivores.

Location: They thrive in cold environments and live only in the northern areas of Sucreterre.