Mirror Glaze Gorgons

Average Lifespan: Around 200 years but have reportedly lived past 500

Appearance: These glossy gorgons are made of layered cake and their snakey hair and tail are coated in nearly reflective smooth frosting. They may have sprinkles or sparkles on their frosting as well. They have large mouths and eyes and small almost ill defined noses. A glazed gorgon's tail is thick and at least 2 times the length of the rest of their body. Sprouting from their head are multiple snake bodies, usually quite thick. The snake hair on a gorgon grows when they are young and stops when a gorgon reaches maturity. At maturity their are still many varied length for their hair, but it cannot be cut without seriously harming the gorgon.

Nature: Gorgons are independent and somewhat territorial. They don't like sharing their space with anything that might have an interest the same sources of food as them, this includes other gorgons. When they do mate, the resulting children are raised by only one parent and are swiftly kicked out when they are mature. On occasion Glazed Gorgons have been known to entertain guests for short periods of time. They may do this for their own amusement or for the sake of trading goods. As long as their food sources aren't threatened they will tolerate a short term visitor in their territory.

Magic: Mirror Glaze gorgons have powerful illusion and paralysis magic. While the myths that they can turn people to stone are false, they have paralyzed victims so strongly that the victim died as a result. Their bite is venomous, but not particularly magical. A bite from a Mirror Glaze Gorgon does not usually kill an adult humanoid, but will inflict serious pain.

Diet: Mirror Glaze Gorgons eat primary small prey animals. They do cook, and might eat some fruits and vegetables when included as garnishes for the prey they are consuming.

Location: Glazed Gorgons live in the underground caves or secluded mountain tops of the Chocolate ridge mountains.