Mint Elves

Average Lifespan: 200~250

Appearance: Mint elves are a tall, and typically, thin humanoid species with pointed ears. Their skin tones come in a variety of red and green tones and they may or may not have lighter to white colored stripes along their body. Their hair also comes in similar colors or may be completely white or striped. Mint elf hair most often forms natural large curls. A mint elf never has striped hair and skin, but may have no stripes on either.

Nature: Mint elves are a prideful species who value education and knowledge. Typically their governments are a sort of geniocracy. Teachers are their leaders and lawmakers, who often spending half their time educating and the other half governing. Mint elf schools like to show off their students’ knowledge and often host multiple competitions between school districts. Some schools have rivalries going back centuries.

Magic: Mint elves are considered to be one of the most magically powerful mortal species on Sucreterre. Often their magic specializes in temperature or even weather based magic, but they are known to be able to learn to do just about any kind of magic.

Diet: Though omnivorous mint elves are known to outsiders to be picky eaters.

Location: Mint Elves prefer to make cities in colder northern climates.

Common Names: Cane, Pepper, Winty, Winter, Mint, Twirl, Mincent