
Average Lifespan: Unknown

Appearance: Small bunny-like humanoids. The Mallagos have big ears, bunny noses, as well as large paws. They often have two protruding front teeth they can use to bite through all kinds of tough materials. Their fur is pastel with light colored accents. Mallagos hair is typically darker than their fur.

Nature: Mallagos are shy creatures who live in the rainbow rainforests of Sucreterre where many other larger animals hunt them as prey. As such they are extremely wary of outsiders. When they do assist lost travelers it is usually from a distance, or by coincidence simply in an attempt to lead them away from their own settlements.

Magic: Mallagos magical abilities are not well known because of their reclusive nature.

Diet: Mallagos are herbivores; other specifics of their diet are unknown.

Location: They live in hidden towns in the rainbow rainforests. Their fear of outsiders prevents them from traveling far or having any desire to live in other cities.