Fruity Fennecs

Average Lifespan: 12~20 years

Appearance: These fruity foxes are small creatures with large ears, tails, and personality. They have pie markings on their ears and tail, and colorful cheek spots that match whatever fruit type they are. Inside their ears and tail (which can open as shown on the left) are fruits. They only ever have 1 kind of fruit on their body. Fruity fennecs have tan hides, but some "burnt" colored fennecs have been bred in captivity. The most common fruits one would find on these feisty fellows are berries, grapes, or peaches.

Nature: Fennecs are playful and energetic. Even a wild one can be easy to approach and pet, though it will not enjoy being taken in as a permanent indoor pet. Fruity fennecs bred in captivity make great companions for a variety of species so long as their owners regularly exercise them.

Magic: Supposedly, in the right light, a fruity fennec's sneeze sparkles. Not sure if this counts as magic or not.

Diet: They eat a variety of bugs and small prey.

Location: Fruity Fennecs thrive in a variety of moderate to cold climates.