Frosted Felines

Average Lifespan: 70~80

Appearance: Frosted Felines are shorter humanoid creatures with large paws. Naturally they have many feline qualities such as their pointed ears, paw pads, claws, and snout. They may also have multiple sets of nipples, 1-3. They have brightly colored eyes and may have multiple colors in their irises. Their body is typically cake flavored and their hair is made of frosting.

Glazed Felines are a variant of Frosted Feline that live in the desert. They have no frosting fur, but have shiny skin and large ears. Their colors are usually browns or pinks, but can also resemble fruitcake or pound cakes. Their ears are much larger than the frosted cousins.

Nature: Frosted Felines have a reputation for being morally dubious creatures. They are happy to get by in any way they can. They have an independent nature and prefer only to make a few specific friends that they remain extremely loyal to all their lives.

Glazed Felines are not as independent as the frosted. Their desert lives are harsh and they benefit from living in large family groups. They live side by side with animal companions who they are very in tune with. Glazed Felines are welcoming to lost travelers as long as their animals seem to trust them.

Magic: Frosted felines have a strange magical bite. They have some minor abilities to control people briefly after biting them. This power can be enhanced with practice, but it's not exactly easy to find someone who wants to be bitten repeatedly or lose control for any period of time.

Glazed Felines's magical bite does not control who they bite, but rather allows an emotional bond to form. They use this to connect with their animal companions and with it they can tame some very powerful beasts, who learn they can trust these unusual felines.

Diet: Both felines are omnivores. Glazed felines prefer vegetarian diets but can digest meat just fine.

Location: Being highly independent creatures, they don't like to form large towns or cities. Instead they are usually found in other cities especially with mint elves or humans.

Glazed Felines prefer very hot and dry climates like deserts.

The character Tev is a frosted Feline.