Fountain Hydra

Average Lifespan: Unknown

Appearance: Fountain hydras are large reptilian creatures with 3-10 heads. Each of their heads sits on a long neck all attached to a large two legged torso and long tail. Fountain hydra heads are all different colors, each representing a different deadly soda spewing ability. Their main torso is off white in color and might have a mottled pattern of spots colored like their heads.

Nature: DO NOT APPROACH. Fountain hydras are aggressive predators. They start attacks with powerful bites and if you manage to prove to a hydra that you’re not just a snack they will use one of their many soda breath weapons to send you swiftly to a fizzy grave.

Magic: Each different color head possesses a different flavor of breath weapon.

  • Brown head : Almost every Hydra can be found with a brown head among it’s arsenal. The root beer head breathes sarsaparilla scented foam that contains noxious gas.

  • Black head: The cola head of a hydra spews hot sticky soda that clings to anything it touches with deadly effect.

  • Light green head: Ginger scents emit from this head and the soda that it spits can cause paralysis or sleep if absorbed through the skin.

  • Orange head: Orange heads spew, unsurprisingly, an orange soda that comes out crackling with dangerous electricity.

  • Bright Green: A citrusy soda coming from this head is extremely acidic. If a fountain hydra isn’t careful it could even hurt itself.

  • Purple head: Grape soda coming from a purple head can cause blindness even if it only barely gets in your eyes.

  • Light yellow: The cream soda head only grows when a hydra is getting ready to mate. The head itself spews a thick foam that they leave around their territory to let other hydras know they are interested in a partner.

  • Red head: A cherry headed hydra breaths a peculiar liquid that hardens quickly outside of its mouth. This can cause shards to rain down from above or it can coat a victim in a candy shell too tough to escape.

  • Pink head: This pink lemonade head breaths out a sweet liquid that possesses the power of the orange and bright green heads. Acidic lightning makes this one of the deadliest heads.

  • Pure White head: The rarest head a fountain hydra might have is white. The weapon is not soda, but instead pure chilling ice that freezes anything it touches.

Each breath has potential use in powerful potions, but one would be hard pressed to find anyone willing to harvest the liquids themselves.

Diet: Fountain hydras are carnivorous creatures that eat anything they can fit in their mouths.

Location: Swamps