Decadent Dwarves

Average Lifespan: 200~300 years

Appearance: Decadent dwarves are short stocky ice cream people who may come in about any ice cream flavor you can think of. The thick whipped cream hair on their heads are usually vanilla but occasionally chocolate or even strawberry. On their shoulders and back they may have chocolate chunks or peanuts embedded in their skin that gives them a tough natural armor.

Nature: While cold and hard on the outside (literally and figuratively), underneath decadent dwarves have hearts of gold (not literally in this case).

Magic: Dwarves have unnatural strength and toughness. They may learn powerful earth moving magic which can also be used to refine metals and other materials into armor.

Diet: Omnivorous diets, but with a tendency to prefer vegetation.

Location: Decadent dwarves primarily live in cold mountainous climates among their own kind. Some are found traveling to sell their cities goods.