
Average Lifespan: 15~20 years

Appearance: Cinnaspiders start small but grow quickly in the first 5 years of their life to large man sized arachnids. Their bodies are covered in swirls and their abdomen is a large sweet and sticky cinnamon bun.

Nature: They weave sticky frosting webs that can catch large prey. They don't like to prey on anything as large as themselves unless they are particularly hungry. Because of this they are not usually a threat to travelers as long as you carry a knife to cut yourself out of any webs you might get caught in.

Magic: It is believed that can hypnotize small prey. Their frosting web is good for beauty potions that affect ones hair.

Diet: They lure large bugs and animals into their webs with their sweetly scented body. They are not picky about the meat they eat, but will not attempt to dispatch anything unless they are actually hungry.

Location: Cinnaspiders are common anywhere twisty trees grow as well as caves and sometimes abandoned buildings.