Chewy Chest Mimics

Appearance:While closed up they seem to be an unusually bright and sometimes elaborate chest. Inside is a gooey gum person who can make grabby tentacles with their gooey body. Sometimes along the edge of the chest inside is a row of large sharp teeth.

Nature: They are over confident self proclaimed tricksters that collect trinkets for fun and also to lure in potential future prey. They may by chance collect something of value that will bring treasure hunters to them, but they often flaunt shiny objects that most adventurers don’t have real interest in. Chewy Chest mimics may not be as smart as they think they are but they are still very strong and sticky. Taunting one or trying to trick one could still easily result in one’s own demise if they manage to get even a little bit of a grip on you.

Magic:They may transform the shape of the gummy insides of their chests but do not possess much magic otherwise. Their gummy flesh may be used in sticky traps if handled carefully.

Diet: They eat meat but rarely need to consume food. This allows them to stay in one place for a long time waiting for a meal to come along.

Location: Most climates where they can hide in ruins or caves. They prefer dark or wet habitats when they can find them.