Cake Drakes

Appearance: Large lizard-like cake creatures with varying levels of frosting. There are 3 common varieties; chocolate lava cake, carrot cake, and birthday cake. Chocolate lava drakes have no frosting and thinner bodies. Carrot cake drakes have thick orangey/brown bodies with white frosting and the occasional carrot. Birthday cake drakes are usually vanilla flavored and can have a wide assortment of frosting and sprinkle colors on their back.

Nature: Cake drakes are aggressive and territorial animals. They each have different methods of hunting and defending themselves in their territories. Lava cake drakes are known to spit hot chocolate fudge at enemies. A carrot cake drake can employ a poisonous bite and a birthday cake drake will use it’s large teeth and claws to take down prey. Only a very patient and well educated wildlife expert might be able to tame a cake drake. This does not stop other, less educated, people from trying though.

Magic: Drakes themselves rarely have magical abilities, when they do it often enhances their dangerous traits. Strengthening muscles or making poisons more deadly. The hot fudge or frosting of a drake can be used in highly advanced, and difficult to create ability enhancement potions. Collecting the frosting is difficult though as it loses it’s magical potential quickly and needs to be used as soon as possible.

Diet: Cake drakes prefer to eat smaller creatures but will go after larger prey if threatened or particularly hungry. Some will bring a large prey as a prize to a mate during mating seasons.

Location: Cake drakes are found in many locations on Sucreterre but chocolate lava drakes are exclusive to the chocolate chunk mountains.