
Sucheol Shin

Research Associate

Univeristy of Texas at Austin

✉️: sucheol@utexas.edu

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I am a theoretical and computational biophysicist

I am currently a postdoc in the lab of Prof. Dave Thirumalai at UT Austin.  For my PhD, I worked with Prof. Adam Willard at MIT

My research training background involves statistical mechanics, polymer physics, molecular simulations, and information-theoretic/data-driven approaches. 

The central theme of my research interests is to create new theoretical and computational methods to investigate molecular structure and dynamics which underlie biological functions in living systems. 

Education / Employments

/Postdoctoral Fellow (20182023)

University of Texas at Austin

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Thesis: "Orientational Fluctuations of Liquid Water at Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interfaces" [PDF Link]

University of California, Berkeley

with highest honors; minor in Physics

Research Interests

Honors and Awards

Invited Talks