Transnational Project Meetings

Hybrid Kick-off Meeting - 24.3.22

The "SUCESS" kick-off Hybrid Meeting took place in Brussels on 24 March 2022 (From 10:00 to 16:15 CET) Participanting Partners: Similes, EPIONI, Klinika Vrapce, EUFAMI, CNP Saint-Martin and EKPSE Sakelaropoulos - Some partners joined in person and some partners virtually. 

Vinciane de Moffarts from our associated partner CNP Saint-Martin shares good practices of supporting families of people with mental health problems in Wallonia

Echanging Good Practices

During the project we held regular bimonthly meetings by Zoom and face to face meetings according to our planned schedule.

During the Learning Activity in Zagreb, ( 6.7.2022)  partners had the time to meet and discuss the exchange of Good Practices for families of people with mental health problems.

Partners from Belgium and Greece visited the Museum of Psychiatry at the University Psychiatric Hospital "Vrapče" in Zagreb, Croatia

The Prospect workshop, organized by our associated partner EUFAMI, was attended by our partners from Belgium, Croatia, and Greece on the 17th of July 2023 in Athens. 

During the Meeting in Athens (16-17.06.2023) our Greek partner EPIONI cohosted with SUCESS associated partner EUFAMI the open event "Caring for Carers" - The event was welcomed by the MEP Mr. Stelios Kympouropoulos, the Governor of Attica Mr. Giorgos Patoulis, the Secretary General for Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation of the Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs Ms. Eleni A. Gioti and the President of EUFAMI Mr. Urs Würsch