You Got This.


How to make your Goals stick.

Any goal you might have.

Do this or you will fail...again.


I used to be like most people.

My goal setting lasted until the next meal.

The ones I set at night lasted the longest.

It frustrated me that reaching the goals and resolutions seemed to be out of reach.

Like most people it seemed that nothing I did really made any difference and that reaching those goals was like running through treacle.

Hard work and little progress.

I tried writing them down and reading them throughout the day, I tried The Secret, I'm the most positive person I know but nothing seemed to make any difference.

I have a library of positive thinking and motivational type books and have read them all but still progress wasn't any faster than anyone around me.

G’Day fellow struggler, my name is Brent Milne and I have been through the mill of trying, for years, to achieve some success in my life.

Yeah, I did OK at work but I always wanted more and I tried many things to get there.

You know the drill, join an MLM program, read the books, listen to the tapes, drive my friends and family nuts, go to the seminars, follow the instructions and finally give up on that path.

Along comes the Internet with its seductive promise of millions of prospects, some of whom MUST want what I have to share.

Gotta be easy right?

Years later still crickets. Well not quite, I did have some successes but still not what I was looking and striving for.

Can you relate to this?

I bet you can, you are reading this after all.

Anyway, the breakthrough came at a party.

I was talking with a friend who has more energy than me, she is more successful than me, she gets way more done than me.

It's amazing that she is still my friend really.

Anyway, we were chatting away and I mentioned that I just couldn't seem to get close to my goals.

She told me how she did her daily goal achieving exercises.

I was gobsmacked, one simple change was all it took.

Less effort, no real difference to what I was already doing and the results have been amazing.

Almost immediately I was hitting some of the targets and I now have total confidence that I'll hit all of them.

So, if you want to actually reach your goals the solution is one click away.

It will only cost you a cup of coffee.

It's not about attitude.

It's not about positive thinking.

It's not about working 24/7.

It is all about changing tiny things to get major improvements.

It's also about getting help and guidance from people who are doing it, not from wannabes.

The help you seek is here.