Considering a renewal of life that would begin in the subsurface of the earth, Karen Pinkus deftly navigates between nineteenth-century literature and current issues in geology, critical theory, and philosophy. Digging into the past to imagine a sustainable future, written with spark and wit, Subsurface is a welcome contribution to the environmental humanities.

Long seen as a realm of mystery and possibility, the subsurface beneath our feet has taken on all-too-real import in the era of climate change. Can reading narratives of the past that take imaginative leaps under the surface better attune us to our present knowledge of a warming planet?

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Former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy signed the rulemaking to add a subsurface intrusion component to the Hazard Ranking System (HRS) on December 7, 2016. This rule was published in the Federal Register (FR) on January 9, 2017. This action took effect on May 22, 2017.

The addition of the subsurface intrusion (SsI) component to the HRS meets the congressional mandate in CERCLA to identify releases of hazardous substances at sites that warrant further investigation. The investigation will determine if Superfund remedial authority is needed to address unacceptable risks. This addition now enables the EPA to consider human exposure to hazardous substances or pollutants and contaminants that enter regularly occupied structures through subsurface intrusion when evaluating a site for placement on the NPL.

Subsurface intrusion is the migration of hazardous substances or pollutants and contaminants from the unsaturated zone in the subsurface and/or the surficial ground water into overlying structures. While subsurface intrusion can occur through multiple mechanisms, the most common form of subsurface intrusion occurs as vapor intrusion.

When hazardous substances, or pollutants and contaminants are spilled on the ground or otherwise enter into the subsurface, they can migrate in the subsurface environment and eventually enter buildings as a gas or vapor, or, in some cases, even as a liquid. Dry cleaning solvents and industrial de-greasers are examples of products that contain hazardous substances that when released to the environment, can migrate into the subsurface environment, and enter into buildings by seeping through cracks in basements, foundations, sewer and utility lines and other openings and ultimately result in human exposures.

Vapor intrusion is a significant concern because vapors migrate readily through the subsurface into overlying structures even if the source of the vapors is located well below the base of the structure. As a result, contaminant concentrations in those structures can rise to a point where the health of the occupants, residents or workers could be at risk.

PNNL scientists and engineers develop geophysical tools and inversion models for subsurface imaging and monitoring. A critical component of these tools is visualization. Subsurface science capabilities, informed by high-performance computing environments, include multi-channel field electrical resistivity tomography, borehole ground penetrating radar, surface seismic and borehole air gun seismic systems, electromagnetic induction, and a distributed temperature sensing system.

PNNL's subsurface science capabilities span bench-, pilot-, and field-scale research. They range from new theories of water movement to helping sponsors make scientifically informed applied decisions.

Linux: Ubuntu: add ppa:subsurface/subsurface-daily to your software sources; the .deb in that PPA can also be installed on sufficiently current versions of Debian, LinuxMint, and some other Debian derived distributions.

@gradualgames: Sure! I've added it to the page: Afraid it's quite messy, so it might not make for the best example. For the spider, all the logic is in entity.lua. (Line 281 for the update code and line 1067 for the collision handling.)

Many EPA programs, including those under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Comprehensive Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), require subsurfacecharacterization and monitoring to detect ground-water contamination and provide data to develop plans to prevent new contamination and remediate existing contamination. Hundreds of specific methods and techniques exist for characterizing, sampling, and monitoring the saturated and unsaturated zones at contaminated sites. Existing field methods are often refined and new methods are continually being developed. This guide is designed to serve as a single, comprehensive source of information on existing and developing field methods as of early 1993. Appendix C provides some suggestions on the best places to obtain information on new developments that occur after this guide is completed.

The Subsurface Science, Technology and Engineering Research, and Development (SubTER) Crosscut is a collaboration across the Department of Energy (DOE) offices involved in research activities in energy production/extraction, subsurface storage, and environmental remediation.

Meeting current and future energy challenges requires significant advances to ensure safe, sustainable, and affordable access to natural resources and storage in the subsurface. SubTER will improve access to subsurface resources and accelerate dynamic management of the subsurface by:

SubTER will permit the delivery of safe, renewable, secure, and abundant domestic energy opportunities. To achieve these goals, SubTER specifically addresses four core research areas that represent the most fertile ground for emerging subsurface energy technologies:

Seismic images are like an ultrasound for the Earth, and provide detailed regional information about the structure of the subsurface, including buried faults, folds, salt domes, and the size, shape, and orientation of rock layers. They are collected by using truck-mounted vibrators or dynamite (onshore), or air guns towed by ships (offshore), to generate sound waves; these waves travel into the Earth and are reflected by underground rock layers; instruments at the surface record these reflected waves; and the recorded waves are mathematically processed to produce 2-D or 3-D images of subsurface features. These images, which cover many square miles and have a resolution of tens to hundreds of feet, help to pinpoint the areas most likely to contain oil and/or gas.

Drilling a small number of exploratory holes or using data from previously drilled wells (common in areas of existing oil and gas production) allows geologists to develop a much more complete map of the subsurface using well logs and cores:

By comparing the depth, thickness, and composition of subsurface rock formations in nearby wells, geoscientists can predict the location and productive potential of oil and gas deposits before drilling a new well. As a new well is being drilled, well logs and cores also help geoscientists and petroleum engineers to predict whether the rocks can produce enough oil or natural gas to justify the cost of preparing the well for production.7

Preservation of subsurface data is an ongoing challenge, both because there is so much of it and because a lot of older data predate computer storage. A modern seismic survey produces a few to thousands of terabytes of data;8 state and federal repositories collectively hold hundreds of miles of core;9 and millions of digital and paper records are housed at state geological surveys. For example, the Kansas Geological Society library maintains over 2.5 million digitized well logs and associated records for the state.10 Oil companies also retain huge stores of their own data. Preserving these data, which cost many millions of dollars to collect, allows them to be used in the future for a variety of purposes, some of which may not have been anticipated when the data were originally collected. For example, the shale formations that are now yielding large volumes of oil and natural gas in the United States were known but not considered for development for decades while conventional oil and gas resources were being extracted in many of the same areas. Archived well logs from these areas have helped many oil and gas producers to focus in on these shale resources now that the combination of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling allow for their development.

The scope of work to be performed under this specification consists of the exploration of subsurface throughout the state of Maryland. The Standard Specifications for Subsurface Explorations publication is maintained by the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) Office of Materials Technology (OMT) Field Explorations Division (FED).

Core drilling and sampling in difficult-to-access locations and challenging subsurface conditions. Borings were accessed by both track drills and helicopter, and testing and instrumentation included Standard Penetration Testing (SPT), permeability testing, pressure meter testing, suspension logging, downhole imaging, and multi-level vibrating wire piezometer (VWP) and inclinometer installations.

Four replacement structures were located in close proximity to protected wetland habitat, and required a foundation alternative with a small installation footprint that could also accommodate variable subsurface conditions. Crux was selected to design and construct micropile foundations at these four structures.

The Denver Water Department commissioned a geotechnical investigation for the future expansion of Gross Reservoir near Boulder, Colorado. Crux was selected to provide drilling and sampling services for four vertical and two angled boreholes in granite subsurface conditions. The project was located on United States Forest Service (USFS) property and was subject to various environmental regulations and restrictions. In an effort to minimize impact to the surrounding areas, crews completed two boreholes at each of the three locations using track-mounted equipment. Road access to boreholes was limited and to alleviate access constraints, the USFS permitted the removal of 40 trees near the project site. All required water was brought in using a 1,800-gallon water truck and pumped 2,000 feet to each drill site using hydraulic pumps. Crux performed downhole imaging using Crux Oriented Borehole Logging (COBL), and all boreholes were successfully completed while following client and USFS regulations. e24fc04721

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