Title : Meromorphic Continuation Of Global Zeta Function For Number Fields

Area : Analytic Number Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Global Class Field Theory

Article :  link 

Title : A brief Introduction To Splitting Of Primes Over Number Fields

Area : Algebraic Number Theory

Article :  link 

Title : On the proof of the Prime Number Theorem using Order Estimates for the Chebyshev Theta Function  

Area : Analytic Number Theory

Article :  link 

Title : On the Order Estimates for Specific Functions of $\zeta(s)$ and its Contribution towards the Analytic Proof of The Prime Number Theorem 

Area : Analytic Number Theory

Article :  link 

Title : A Combinatorial Approach Towards Ramanujan's Partition Congruences Modulo 5, 7 and 11 In Terms Of Its Corresponding Cranks 

Area : Combinatorial Number Theory , Additive Number Theory , Theory of Integer Partitions

Article :  link 

Title : On the Order Estimate of the Mertens Function and its Relation to the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function

Area : Analytic Number Theory , Advanced Linear Algebra , Advanced Matrix Theory

Article :  link 

Title : A Detailed Study of Kirchhoff-type Critical Elliptic Equations and $p$-Sub-Laplacian Operators within the Heisenberg Group $\mathcal{H}_{n}$ Framework

Area : Analysis, Partial Differential Equations

Article :  link 


Title : Automorphisms of Affine Spaces : A Proof of Bijectivity via Jacobian Determinant

Area : Algebraic Geometry

Article :  link 

Title : On the $H^{m}$-Regularity for Second Order Elliptic Equations

Area : Analysis of PDEs, Fourier Analysis

Article :  link 

Title : An Exposition on Critical Point Theory with Applications

Area : Analysis of PDEs, Functional Analysis

Article :  link 

Title : On proving an Inequality of Ramanujan using Explicit Order Estimates of the Mertens Function

Area : Analytic Number Theory, Distribution of Primes

Article :  link 

Title : Studying some Inequalities involving Polynomial Functions in $\pi(x)$

Area : Analytic Number Theory, Distribution of Primes

Article :  link