I am Subhadip Mondal. I am a Ph.D. scholar in the Department of Chemistry at IIT Kanpur.
From a broad perspective, the majority of my current research is focused on understanding and controlling intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) using quantum light – a fundamental step in chemical reactions. IVR is the phenomenon by which the vibrational energy gets shared between different vibrational modes of the molecule. The study of IVR is the key to understanding the dynamical features that govern the making and breaking of chemical bonds.
Supervisor: Prof. Srihari Keshavamurthy. Group Website.
Email Id: subha20@iitk.ac.in
Address: Hall 08, G-313, IIT Kanpur
Lab: SL-304
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know more about my work. I am always happy to talk about science!
"I study molecular dynamics, but to tell the truth I am interested more in the dynamics than in the molecules, and I care most about the questions of principle..." ----- Phil Pechukas