a new species of penguin lives on the blockchain system

are the penguins with styles!! A new collection of 8.000 NFT drawn by hand, With different styles and rarity. In addition to being a very accessible collection so that everyone can have their own penguin with style You could also be part of a great community, you can see all our plans in our roadmap.

release date

4 / 22 / 2022

Open Sea


Stylish Penguins has over 150 different styles of personalized items with very rare penguin styles. The art is very original but we want to offer a future to each of our NFT regardless of the rarity, just by being part of our community they can have access to unique benefits.

each illustration is unique different backgrounds and accessories so that your stylish penguin is unique in the world, you can see the complete collection of penguins with official style in our Open Sea that will go on public sale on 4 / 22 / 2022.

types of penguins

From the classic penguin to the weirdest, there are 8 species of stylish penguins, each one weirder than the other.

percentage list :

penguin with classic style : 35%

penguin colorful style : 11,4% x colors

penguin with gold style : 5%

penguin with diamond style : 3%

about the collection

Our digital art NFT project focuses on creating an immersive community that will welcome everyone, The goal is to have continuous growth and add value to our community. We will start in the best way you can get your own penguin with style at very affordable prices, which will go up in value and thus giving the possibility of getting a culaquer radesa penguin at lower prices

price list for each NFT unit in order of departure : first batch 400 NFT for 0,002 ETH second batch 600 NFT for 0,005 ETH third batch 1000 NFT for 0,01 ETH fourth batch 2000 NFT for 0,02 ETH fifth batch 4000 NFT for 0,03 ETH.

All the lots will come out at the same time on the departure date, there will be no pre-sale. You can get your penguin in style in the Open Sea marketplace.


We have many plans and concepts that we are working on. We are committed to responsibly carrying out this roadmap to maintain a solid community that can accompany us. Everything is covered in this first part


phase 1

All profits during this period will be invested in the project to extend life and improve the benefits of NFTs to strengthen the community, improvement of web page social networks and better work team.


phase 2

Exclusive NFT Raffles for all stylish penguin owners, plus access to future projects.


phase 3

It will continue to be reinvested to improve the project and increase its value and benefits.


phase 4

A very large collaboration will be carried out with an ONG for the protection and care of penguins, in addition to collaborative NFT raffles for the cause.


phase 5

we will prepare our next totally exclusive collection and we will enter the metaverse.

We will celebrate our achievements as a community!! After the project has been exhausted we will discuss with the community what we wish to see realized. since stylish penguins are only the beginning, since the community was the basis of this project.

about me

I give you the best of welcomes, you may ask who is behind the project?

I introduce myself, I am Joaquin, the only creator, founder and artist of the Penguins with style, I will be talking a little about myself. I was born in Argentina, I am 23 years old, since I was a child I have always been attracted to drawing and spent a large part of my childhood drawing all kinds of things for fun, I always got involved because I was happy to be able to create everything I imagined, I dreamed of dedicating myself to illustration in recent years and have been able to dedicate myself to drawing with great passion.

Of course, many times I had to focus on other things or situations in my life, but always getting ahead with my projects and giving myself time to simply draw.

In this last year I began to plan, investigate and study to make my first NFT collection a reality and the first penguin with style that I created was born, excited I continued day after day developing the project, slowly little by little it was becoming a reality, I hope to be able to continue expanding the project with great art, this is just the beginning of one of the biggest projects of my life, thanks for everything.

Join the community

Sales have not started yet. Join us to get the news as soon as possible and follow our latest announcements.

All the official social networks of Stylish Penguins are published on our website and official channels. Beware of scams.