



- Japan Sessions -

Voice Therapy Spectrum (VTS)

2024年 5月11日(土), 12日(日)

初日 (Day 1): Basic Voice Science-Required for VTS

08:30-09:00 受付 (Registration)

09:00-09:15 Troubleshooting

09:15-10:00 Introduction to the Science

10:00-11:00 Voice Science

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-13:15 Voice Science (continued)

13:15-14:15 昼食 (自身でご準備ください)

14:15-17:15 Learning Science

17:15-17:45 Patient Engagement / Voice Demonstration

17:45-18:00 Knowledge Quiz


2日目 (Day 2): Voice Therapy Spectrum (VTS)

08:30-09:00 受付 (Registration)

09:00-09:15 Troubleshooting

09:15-10:30 Overview of LMRVT (and CSCFT)

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-13:15 LMRVT Step by Step (Practice and Demo throughout)

13:15-14:15 昼食 (自身でご準備ください)

14:15-17:00 LMRVT Step by Step (continued)

17:00-17:45 CSCFT Step by Step

17:45-18:00 Questions and Answers; Tricks and Tips

Manual Therapy

for Voice & Swallowing Disorders

2024年 11月9日(土) 10日(日)


→実施方法などはJapan Support Memberが全力サポートさせて頂く予定です

初日 (Day 1): 

08:30-09:00 受付 (Registration)

09:00-10:15 Introduction and review of live online content

10:15-11:30 Hands-on introduction and oral region lab

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-13:15 Internal jaw region lab

13:15-14:15 昼食 (自身でご準備ください)

14:15-16:00 Tongue and submittal region lab

16:00-16:15 Break

16:15-18:00 Laryngeal region lab


2日目 (Day 2): 

08:30-09:00 受付 (Registration)

09:00-11:30 Laryngeal region lab (continued)

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-13:15 Retrolaryngeal region lab

13:15-14:15 昼食 (自身でご準備ください)

14:15-14:45 Retrolaryngeal region lab (continued)

14:45-17:15 lower laryngeal, sternal, and diaphragm region pass