
What Is "Paratext"?

According to Gregory Goswell, "Paratext may be defined as everything in a text other than the words, that is to say, those elements that are adjoined to the text but are not part of the text itself if “text” is limited strictly to the words. The paratext of Scripture embraces features such as the order of the biblical books, the names assigned to the different books, and the differing schemes of textual division within the books. Since these elements are adjoined to the text and frame the text, whether a reader notices or not, they have an influence on reading and may assist (or sometimes hinder) the interpretation of the text of Scripture." [Gregory Goswell, Text and Paratext: Book Order, Title, and Division as Keys to Biblical Interpretation (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Academic, 2023), 1.]

A Few Resources on Paratext