
A passion project for creative arts.


This passion project was formatted as a method to contain multiple, smaller creations. Over a few years the project has become an activity used to express colorful worlds. Of which is often achieved with visual and written content. While these works are created from Yogoshimo's own satisfaction and terms, an amount of works eventually become shared online.

Whether a story or image had captured your imagination, these worlds are crafted by passionate ideals. And in due time these works might evolve into other formats. Books, movies, or animated shorts to name a few. Take a leap into strange and eventful worlds, get lost, and keep a strong imagination!

Project Principles

Studio.5 become revised in late 2020 with some new ideals. This set of rules was created to craft a sense self- respect. Often in the versions prior, conformant to external opinions was the major priority.

Although no- one is perfect, these rules have been established to shape solid boundaries in newer versions of works. The principals are listed below to provide some simplified insight.

  1. Moderated sharing.

  2. Archival of important ideas/ works.

  1. Understanding of human differences and individuality.

  2. Be a reasonable human/ relate.

  1. Take reasonable breaks, often.

One important factor recognized by these rules, is the fact of "being human." It has become a core value as to what and how projects are completed. In the end, it has become preferred to ensure quality over quantity.

These projects will evolve in due time, along the shifting mindsets that make Yogoshimo's identify, completely human.