BATA BASA - Sneezing


Sneezing happens when our body is trying to remove an irritation found inside the nose. A special name for this process is sternutation.

How does a sneeze happen? When your nose is tickled, the sneeze center in our brain receives a message. Soon, the other parts of the body that work together to create a sneeze such as the abdominal muscles, chest muscles, the diaphragm, the muscles of the vocal chords, the back of the throat, and the eyelids receive this message. An explosion as fast as 161 kilometers per hour sends the irritant speeding out of your nose. Examples of irritants in the air are dust, pepper, or allergens such as pollen. Some experience having a photic reflex and sneeze as soon as they are under the bright sun. Now, if it ever happens that a sneeze of yours gets stuck, look towards a bright light to unstick your stuck sneeze.

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