About the Portal

Online Resource Reading Portal

Butuan City School of Arts and Trades- Online Resource Reading Portal is the first online-based reading portal accessible to BCSAT students, teachers, parents and administrators containing reading contexts posted by teachers and BCSAT CI in relation to reading classes. This portal covers various reading strategies, lesson plan with strategies, new reading techniques, standard reading process and students’ progress in reading.

With this, everyone who has an access to the site can monitor the conduct of reading classes and students’ reading performance. Every week, the teacher will post their reading contexts with reading comprehension tests and this will be answered and checked either online or inside the classroom depending to the teachers’ remaining time.

The portal will serve as teachers’ main source of reading material so it will be easy for them to look for appropriate reading context necessary for their classes, and it will serve as students’ reading library where students can browse reading exercises, answer tests and submit their outputs. If the student can’t comply reading requirements, the portal will automatically send email/text to their parents. In addition, the portal will also automatically send the results of their evaluation tests through students’ email

Every reading teacher is also required to share extra reading materials, exercises and tests to the bank portal so as other teachers can bench in.