BATA BASA - Dark Chocolate


Dark chocolate finds its way into the best ice creams, biscuits and cakes. Although eating chocolate usually comes with a warning that it is fattening, it is also believed by some to have magical and medicinal effects. In fact, cacao trees are sometimes called Theobroma cacao which means “food of the gods.” Dark chocolate has been found out to be helpful in small quantities. One of its benefits is that it has some of the most important minerals and vitamins that people need. It has antioxidants that help protect the heart. Another important benefit is that the fat content of chocolate does not raise the level of cholesterol in the blood stream. A third benefit is that it helps address respiratory problems. Also, it has been found out to help ease coughs and respiratory concerns. Finally, chocolate increases serotonin levels in the brain. This is what gives us a feeling of well-being

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