Solutions to
Student Engagement Issues

When delivering lessons in an online learning environment, teachers face a number of challenges around keeping students engaged. In this section, we will explore some possible ways to compensate for the loss of in-person connectivity and support the development of technology skills to maximize learning experiences.

  1. Lack of Social Presence

ISSUE: Students want to know that someone is paying attention to them and will give them the support they need to succeed. This is true for peer relationships as well as the one they have with the instructor.

SOLUTION: Creating a sense of community, starting with devoting ample time to thoughtful introduction activities, is the key to making students and teachers feel like they are truly connecting on a personal level. Projects that facilitate co-creation and peer review will further establish a sense of camaraderie.

2. Irrelevant Content

ISSUE: Students are looking for knowledge and experience in areas that will help them grow and gain benefits.

SOLUTION: Learning more about the needs and aspirations of students can help a teacher present material that will resonate with an audience. In this way you can "encourage them to share those distinct experiences and help them tap such experiences for their coursework." (DeBrock, et. al., 2020)

3. Technology Barrier

ISSUE: If students do not feel comfortable with the technologies being used in the course, they will be less likely to fully engage with the content and other students.

SOLUTION: Ease of use is paramount in determining the technology tools for a learning experience. "The software should be in the background, acting only as a vehicle or platform for course delivery." (Palloff & Pratt, 2007, p. 97). Learning platforms that have the same look and feel of other applications students have already used, such as social media or games, provide a greater comfort level for students.

Online Learning Tools

Examples of using technology to engage students

Engaging Content Creation

Ways to make the content educational and entertaining

4. Monotonous Presentation

ISSUE: Giving students the ability to engage with the material in a variety of ways will keep the material from feeling repetitive and boring.

SOLUTION: Mixing up the delivery by including both synchronous and asynchronous activities along with a blend of video and interactive discussion elements will greatly stimulate engagement. Lessons that combine independent activities using things like drawing tools and group activities run via features like Zoom breakout rooms help keep students with different styles connected to the learning.


DeBrock, L., Scagnoli, N. and Taghaboni-Dutta, F. (2020). The Human Element in Online Learning, Inside Higher Ed, March 18, 2020

Palloff, P. & Pratt, K. (2007). Building online learning communities: Effective strategies for the virtual classroom. Josse-Bass.