Our Musical Theatre Program

This program is designed to teach the elements of acting, singing, and dancing to students 3 years old- 12 years old with the joy of a performance experience at the end of the semester. We conveniently teach these classes on your student's campus after school.

Studying Musical Theatre:

​Helps students gain self confidence

Develops student's imaginations

Imbues empathy

Teaches students to cooperate with others

Refines one's concentration skillset

Builds excellent communication skills

Provides a physical fitness outlet 

Improves memory

Is a lot of fun! 

Photography by Paul Swen

Musical Theatre Classes Offered

Pre-Kindergarten Musical Theatre

3-4 years old

Kindergarten Musical Theatre

5-6 years old

1st- 2nd grade Musical Theatre

6-8 years old

3rd-4th grade Musical Theatre

8-10 years old

5th-6th grade Musical Theatre

10-12 years old

Photography by Joey Watkins

Musical Theatre Class Description

In all of our classes there is an age appropriate show chosen that the students will work on for the semester with a performance at the end. The semester begins with learning acting, singing, and dancing technique. After which we have the audition process, casting, and begin rehearsals. In rehearsals the students will utilize the technique skills they have learned and continue to build upon them. Toward the end of the semester we will add the technical elements needed for the production and then finally present the show for an audience.