Rebel Without a Pulse takes place in Punchbowl, a fictional planned city based in late 1950s America. There are period stylings and authentic touches (much like Destroy All Humans, then), but this retro-futuristic municipality also features anachronistic technology such as robots, hovercars and laser weaponry. It's clear that Wideload wanted to play around with the distinctive clichs of the chosen era (particularly the stupidity/naivety of civilians; this takes a certain sting out of the blood-splattered carnage), but without being constrained in terms of design. Given that you play the role of a brain-eating zombie, this isn't too jarring: it's just something that you accept.

One side effect of using the Possession skill is that humans slain with firearms do not rise again as undead helpers. As the difficulty level increases, this means that you need to invest a little thought into how you intend to get past a specific group of enemies. Sometimes, it's better to use a Gut Grenade, eat a few brains, then hide Stubbs and quickly use Possession to gain control of a soldier or policeman as the zombies you created distract his associates. Although very linear, there's actually a laudable flexibility to Stubbs the Zombie: you're given the (albeit limited) tools to achieve a goal (usually, to get from A to B without dying), but how you go about doing so is generally your own choice.

Stubbs The Zombie In Rebel Without A Pulse Download

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Visually, the game doesn't hold up well, with very dated graphics that clearly show its age. It might not hurt the campy nature of this game, which is meant to look and feel like a pulpy B movie, but yikes, it's really not pretty. In fact, it can be difficult to tell who's a zombie and who's a human (especially on a small Nintendo Switch screen). This can be an issue, as you might not be able to advance to the next level until all the humans are dead, so you'll waste time walking (or limping) around to see who you've missed. Again, if you have a quirky sense of humor (including toilet humor), then this isn't a bad buy for a modest price. You can also play co-op with someone beside you. But its outdated visuals and humor will probably turn away a lot of other players looking for a more visually impressive game -- or something without the constant fart and pee jokes. e24fc04721

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