Scientific American is the leading source and authority for science, technology information and policy for a general audience. First published in 1845, Scientific American is the longest continuously published magazine in the US. Since then the title has published articles from over 150 Nobel Prize scientists and built a loyal following of influential and forward thinking readers.

The information on this page is updated regularly, and reflects APC funding sources to the best of our knowledge. To suggest updates or additions to this list, please contact us at

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The big worry in the research community is that students and scientists could deceitfully pass off LLM-written text as their own, or use LLMs in a simplistic fashion (such as to conduct an incomplete literature review) and produce work that is unreliable. Several preprints and published articles have already credited ChatGPT with formal authorship.

Richard Brereton, Editor-in-Chief

Prof Richard Brereton is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Royal Statistical Society and Royal Society of Medicine. He graduated with a BA, MA and PhD from the University of Cambridge. He has published some 400 articles, including 8 books, and has been cited around 4500 times. He has given over 150 invited lectures in 30 countries.

We extracted 263 articles from Scopus and Web of Science, which eliminated all those present in both bases. Then, the title and abstract were read, resulting in 149 articles. Finally, the introduction and conclusion were read, leaving 67 documents. After the complete reading, 42 articles completely met the review protocol as presented in Fig. 1.

We found two different major classifications of greenwashing: Claim greenwashing and Executional greenwashing. The studies on the literature concentrate on product/service-level claim greenwashing, while executional greenwashing was found only on two articles in this revision. Figure 3 shows the main classifications in the phenomenon of greenwashing.

Beginning August 1, 2022, for UC corresponding authors who publish open access in the Nature-branded portfolio, the UC libraries will pay the first $1,000 of the APC for articles in hybrid and open access journals covered by the agreement. Authors who publish open access in Nature titles, including both hybrid and fully OA journals, will be responsible for paying the remainder due on each APC.

This is officially becoming a trend: Springer is pulling another 64 articles from 10 journals after finding evidence of faked peer reviews, bringing the total number of retractions from the phenomenon north of 230.

Thank you for your comment, Gary. I believe there may be a bit of a misunderstanding about the 15% quoted in the blog post. The 15% represents all of the 230 retractions because of peer review manipulation for the last three years, as a percentage of the total retractions reported by Retraction Watch. This includes journals from many publishers, not just those published by Springer. The 64 articles that we have retracted represent less than 0.05% of the more than 100,000 articles Springer published in 2014. Overall, over 1 million articles are published in academic journals each year.

GENUS is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal of population sciences. Founded in 1934 by Corrado Gini, GENUS is among the oldest demography journals in Europe. GENUS publishes articles on topics that include, but are not limited to: family and fertility; ageing; health and mortality; migration and mobility; formal demography; historical demography; relations between population dynamics and biological, environmental, economic, and social change. Former Directors have been: Nora Federici (1965-1992), Antonio Golini (1993-2008), Graziella Caselli (2009-2010), and Viviana Egidi (2011-2018). GENUS is affiliated with Sapienza University of Rome and published under the auspices of the Italian Association for Population Studies (AISP).

From 2019 to 2024, Sapienza University is fully sponsoring a number of articles. In 2023, AISP is also contributing to the journal sponsorship plan. Authors with no Open Access funding can request the sponsorship by contacting Daniele Vignoli before submitting the manuscript.

The focus of the journal is based on novel or anticipated applications of network sciences, on related techniques that may be used in applications of complex network methodologies, and on innovative modeling approaches that will enhance specific applications and lead to more widespread use of network science concepts. Overall, articles that have a direct application to real world problems form the core publications of this journal.

Virology Journal is an open access, peer reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of virology, including research on the viruses of animals, plants and microbes. The journal welcomes basic research as well as pre-clinical and clinical studies of novel diagnostic tools, vaccines and anti-viral therapies.

Leo Poon is a molecular virologist. He currently serves as a Professor in the School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong and as a co-director of HKU-Pasteur Research Pole. He has strong interests in emerging viruses, including coronavirus and influenza virus. He researches on different aspects of these viruses, ranging from basic virology to clinical diagnosis. His ultimate goal is to use scientific findings to inform public health policy. Over the years, he has published about 290 peer-reviewed articles. Thus far, his work has been cited over 41,000 times and he has an H-index of 95 (Web of Science).

The Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics will cease to be published by SpringerOpen as of December 31, 2023. The journal will continue in cooperation with Wiley. Please see for information regarding the new publisher and submission process. SpringerOpen will continue to host an archive of all articles previously published in the journal and all articles published in the journal during its time with SpringerOpen will remain fully searchable via the SpringerOpen website.

The Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics will cease to be published by SpringerOpen as of December 31, 2023. The journal will continue in cooperation with Wiley. Please see for information regarding the new publisher and submission process. SpringerOpen will continue to host an archive of all articles previously published in the journal and all articles published in the journal during its time with SpringerOpen will remain fully searchable via the SpringerOpen website.


Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics is an international journal that aims to bridge the gap between orthopaedic basic science and the clinics, and publishes papers across the entire orthopaedics field, including basic science and clinical research studies. The journal also welcomes translational and epidemiological studies, across all aspects of musculoskeletal disorders. It is the official Open Access journal of ESSKA, the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy. The journal ensures rapid peer-review and publication of high quality papers.

Financial Innovation (FIN) is a Springer OA journal sponsored by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. It provides a global academic forum for exchanging research findings across all fields in financial innovation in the era of electronic business. It seeks to promote interactions among researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners, and to foster research ideas on financial innovation in the areas of new financial instruments as well as new financial technologies, markets and institutions. FIN emphasizes emerging financial products, processes and services that are enabled by the introduction of disruptive technologies. FIN is peer-reviewed and publishes both high-quality academic (theoretical or empirical) and practical papers in the broad ranges of financial innovation. It has been indexed in SSCI, Scopus, Google Scholar, CNKI, CQVIP and so on.

Topic areas of interest include, but are not limited to, asset pricing, behavioral finance, big data analytics in finance, computational financial intelligence, corporate finance, derivative pricing and hedging, disruptive financial models, extreme risks and insurance, financial economics, financial engineering, financial instruments, financial intermediation, financial market, financial risk management and analysis, high frequency and algorithmic trading, household finance, innovative financial services, international finance, internet and mobile finance, legal and social issues of new finance, public finance and taxation, and other relevant topics. In particular, FIN welcomes research articles that study real-world impacts surrounding applications and management of blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet-of-Things, and other advanced computing such as 5G adoption in banking and other finance services.

Annals of Intensive Care invites authors to submit reviews and research articles discussing and evaluating long-term outcomes after critical illness and an intensive care unit stay and strategies to mitigate the consequences of critical illness.

Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS), a peer-reviewed open access e-journal, was launched by the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) in 2014. This international journal is devoted to high-quality original articles, reviews and papers with full data attached in the research fields of space and planetary sciences, atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences, human geosciences, solid earth sciences, and biogeosciences. PEPS promotes excellent review articles and welcomes articles with electronic attachments including videos, animations, and large original data files. PEPS also encourages papers with full data attached: papers with full data attached are scientific articles that preserve the full detailed raw research data and metadata which were gathered in their preparation and make these data freely available to the research community for further analysis. e24fc04721

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