
Abstract Submission Guideline

Conference participants who would like to make their submissions can choose to present their works either by oral or poster presentation. However, the committee will stipulate the final mode of presentation for each participant.

The deadline for abstract submission is 3 May 2022. Abstracts received after this date will not be considered.

Instructions to authors

1. Abstracts can only be submitted electronically on the registration/submission page of the conference website.

2. Acknowledgement of receiving of your submission will be sent to the author’s registered e-mail address immediately upon submission.

3. If you would like to re-submit the abstract again. Kindly contact the conference organizer at the following email: or

Submission Process

An abstract may only be submitted electronically on the registration/submission page. When entering the registration/submission page for the first time, you will be asked to create an account with your e-mail. Please follow the submission process carefully.

Abstract Language and Length:

Abstracts must be written in English. The maximum length allowed for an abstract is 300 words. The abstract title, the author(s), or names of institutions are not included in the count of 300 words.


An abstract is an outline/brief summary of your paper. The abstract must be written in English in 1 page of A4 paper size, to set the paper margin top-bottom-right are spaced 1 inch, and the left margins should be 1.5 inches, using Times New Roman (12 pt, normal), except for papers title that to be written using Times New Roman (14 pt, bold). Please center the title, authorslist and affiliations, and justify the abstract text. Presenting authors name is underlined, and corresponding author is indicated by asterisk (*). The abstract should include sufficient information to introduce the nature and significance of the topic and a summary of the substantive results of the work. It should have an intro, body and conclusion. Abstract should be no more than 300 words.

Keywords: 3-5 Keywords