What is NDT and its Benefits Non destructive testing is a descriptive term used for the examination of materials and components in such a way that allows materials to be examined without changing or destroying their usefulness NDT or NDE can be used to find, size and locate surface and subsurface flaws and defects NDT plays a crucial role in everyday life and is necessary to assure safety and reliability Typical examples are found in aircraft, spacecraft ( motor vehicles, pipelines, bridges, trains, power stations, refineries, buildings and oil platforms which are all inspected using NDT NDT is a Quality Assurance management tool which can give impressive results when used correctly It requires an understanding of the various methods available, their capabilities and limitations, knowledge of the relevant standards and specifications for performing the tests Materials, products and equipment which fail to achieve their design requirements or projected life due to undetected defects may require expensive repair or early replacement Such defects may also be the cause of unsafe conditions or catastrophic failure, as well as loss of revenue due to unplanned plant shutdown
Our Services
Rebound hammer Test
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test
Carbonation Test
Half cell Potential
Chloride & Sulphate
Pile Integrity
Slab Load test
Bricks Test
Soil Test
Ultrasonic Thickness
Dye Penetrant
Concrete Resistivity Meter
Magnetic Particle
Water Permeability
pH Value Test
Hardness Testing
Visual Survey
Seismic Moments and Forces in Frame Elements
As per I.S. 1893 – 2002 the STAAD
structure fall under earthquake zone 4
Calculate the seismic moments and axial forces in the columns, shears and moments in the beams by using the
seismic weights on the floors/ (column beam joints) through an appropriate computer software. It may be performed
by Working Static load analysis
Structural Stability Analysis with Model
To check the vulnerability analysis, structural deficiencies and structural stability analysis of overall structure, computer model of existing structure will be analyzed as per present loading criteria In the structural analysis of existing structure, we will use the results of NDT of the materials/available properties of existing materials
Visual inspection for surface damages, cracks,
flaking, coloration, local weaknesses, etc and their
damage classification. Simple tools and instruments
like camera with flash light, magnifying glass,
binoculars, gauge for crack width measurement,
chisel and hammer, etc shall be used for measuring
the distresses. The visual inspection shall largely
cover areas of high distress, cracks and their location,
moisture, leakage, abnormal variations in structure,
algae and fungus growth, efflorescence, etc. Visual
inspection would be documented in the form of
worksheets, photographic records, and distress over
drawings etc.
RCC Details
RCC details by using ferro scanner for measuring the cover depth and existing
protecting layer of steel rebar, diameter of steel and number of rebar,
Preparation of structural details of RCC sections
Structural Drawings Preparation
Preparation of structural drawings with complete RCC details, section sizes and steel percentage by using profometer it will give detailed cover depth and existing protecting layer of steel rebar, diameter of steel and number of steel bar
Repairing Methodology and retrofitting scheme for structural serviceability and safety, periodic maintenance scheme, futuristic protection of structure The recommendation for structural repair
and rehabilitation to the structures
shall have detailed technical specifications, materials to be used
and design details, vulnerability indices
and order of urgency to repair
Bill of Quantity (BOQ) Document Preparation
Cost analysis for strengthening of structure to make it suitable for
serviceability, Bill of Quantity (BOQ), Rate analysis, Material Specification and execution methodology with complete execution drawings and sketches
Foundation Details
Ferro scanner for measuring the cover depth and existing protecting layer of steel rebar, diameter of steel and number of rebar in excavated
foundation including type of foundation, depth and size of foundation.
Vibration Test
Probable effect of vibration on
health of building; to observe
whether the vibration is under
permissible Limit, Determination of
Vibrating frequency of the structure
and natural frequency of the
structure for the safety analysis of
the structure against the forced
Cover Depth Measurement
Conducting cover meter test at
selected locations on RCC members
of the structures covered under the
study to see the adequacy of concrete
cover to rebars and creation of
Contour Mapping of cover depth in
RCC Structure by using (working on
Magnetic field generation concept)
steel bar scanner as per IS:456:2000
and relevant code of particular
Chemical Analysis for Binding Material Mortar
Binding material properties;
Percentage of constituent
elements and source of
materials, composition details
of materials, its compressive
strength of binding materials,
type of mortar,
Hardness Testing of metals
Hardness of Ferrous & Non ferrous
Metals/Alloys Vickers 80 94; HRC
17.9 68.5 HRB 13.5 99.5, LD 200
900, HB 82.0 940.0 to get the type
of material and its estimated tensile
Ground Penetrating Radar
(GPR) for Foundation Details
It is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface GPR uses high frequency (usually polarized) radio waves and transmits into the ground When the wave hits a buried object or a boundary with different dielectric constants It enables the geo historical investigation to a depth of 8 10 meters from the top ground level It will give details of soil strata, layer of soil profile, buried object, size of buried objects, foundation details and pattern of variability of foundation layers
(if any) and excavation if it required at the site
Ultrasonic Testing of Metallic Sections
Steel Plates/Tube/Pipe
Weld/Forging/Casting as per
ASTM A 435/A435M 82
ASME Sec V, range (0mm
5000mm) for assessment of
Structural Audit
Reviewing of Design and
Construction Condition Identifying
structural design basis involved for the
establishment of load carrying capacity
and outlining of minimum
requirements & specifications to be
met. Review of all built structure vis a
vis design & drawing for assessment of
load carrying capacity, existing
concrete quality data sheet, and
construction has been done as per
required design data or not
Get in touch
Address: DDA Janta flat-508,Pulpehladpur, New Delhi-110044
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Contact:- +91 7992396609 & 011-69651759