The Mission of the PTO

The Parent/Teacher Organization was created for the purpose of supporting the education of all children at William M. Strong Elementary School by:

  • fostering relationships among the school, parents, and teachers

  • developing a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement

  • improving the environment at Strong School through volunteer and financial support

  • serving as a liaison between parents and school administration

We do this by mobilizing parent and teacher volunteers to provide Strong School with funds, programs, resources, and services where needed. Volunteers are a crucial component to plan and manage school-wide and family events, like Karate Club, Drama Club, Little Shoppers, Trunk or Treat, Popsicles on the Playground, and the Apple Harvest Parade.

We offer staff and teacher support by subsidizing field trip fees, providing building improvements, such as a teacher lunchroom makeover and new school sign, and purchasing indoor and outdoor recess equipment.

All of this is made possible through fundraising. Scholastic Book Fairs, grocery rewards programs, online fundraiser orders, and your membership dues and donations all give money directly to the school.

You’re invited to join the Strong School PTO! The PTO needs your unique talents, whether it’s volunteering a few hours a month or a few hours a year, serving on the board or attending meetings. Moms, dads, guardians — please join us!

Group Bylaws

The Strong School PTO Bylaws are listed below. (Voted in on 04/2018)

Click here to view bylaws