This is the option with which Stronghold Crusader maps are made. A complete map editor is available at the player's disposal, granting the ability to make their own scenario. Feature enemy lords, include custom events and make use of many more options.

Coming soon to Steam as a free update for all existing owners of the Stronghold Collection, Stronghold 2: Steam Edition will be released with full Workshop support. To celebrate the free update and new Steam features, ranging from new maps and achievements to restored multiplayer, we decided to plunder the archives of legendary Stronghold fansite StrongholdHeaven and present our top five player-created maps!

Stronghold Crusader Maps Download 8 Player


okay, fair enough. This is your opinion, and you're more than entitled to it. I expressed my opinion, that's all.Maybe it's time to calm down a little?The Bretwalda Chronicles: Northumbria|Anglia|Mercia

tag_hash_110_______________________________________________________________________________________ - John Ruskin Jalis 

 Archer posted 08-11-03 09:19 EST (US) 7 / 45 Apologize Joe, I was perhaps a bit too ironic. Perhaps the answer to this problem was too obvious for me.

However delete/rebuild, was not willing in the game concept imo, and like Sulis said mapmaker cant do anything against this, except denie player to build walls of stone or wood. That would a bit sad for a game where the main goal is to build a castle. Know if we have to suppress all what with the player can abuse, it will let us a few. no moat, no wolves attack no killing pits, no pitch, no towers nor stairs, or why not, no invasions.Only common sense and each individual point of view, clearly reveal where is the border between use, abuse and obvious abuse. There is no need imo the mapmaker make a list of all bad tricks players are encouraged to not use before each scenario. Believe me, often this kind of warning would be more long that a good story, or even longer than my posts in the forum.For elitism, bah. If it was the case, this forum where we talk and share would not exist, and mapmakers would probably all lock their maps to protect "their precious secrets"About swamp square in grassland, I dont agree with you, but it's an other matter. I think it's more to add a diversity in the landscape and not lasiness. Use small boulder instead each time would probably lead to a grim boring landscape. Trees are not a solution, you can cut them, rock can be removed, terrain elevation are quite ugly if use on a single title and larger area to raise are not always willing ect ...Well know there is two case : one your keep is already placed in the map. Here useless to have regret you can do anything and can say you were misleaded.

Two your free to place your keep : until you place your keep (and granary) time dont spend in the game. Of course wind play in the trees, animals move, but time dont really start his course. No trees will die, growth or birth. The date didn't even appear and schedule events are unaffected. 

Simply take your keep, and move it with your mouse everywhere in the terrain to "explore" it. You will quikly see your hated swampy square appearing in orange under your blurred keep where terrain all around will be colored in mistie white. It will cut you of the discovery however (joke)

really the only kind of bad discovery I dont like is for example a mapmaker allow you the market place when ALL trade is disabled. Here it's really unfair and misleading, because you waste at start 15 (7 really) precious woods for nothing. lord kyle 

 Archer posted 08-11-03 12:06 EST (US) 8 / 45 Like Sulis said, there is little that we as scenario desingers can do to prevent the player from using this option, we just trust that the player will decide that the map would be more fun and challenging to play without constanly deleting walls or building staircases up enemy cliffs.As far as the small squares of swamp go, you can use the trick Jalis suggested or you can press ALT D and activate the pathing mode, here you will be able to identify any unbuildable areas.My stronghold siege maps: Archipelago of Death , Embara Crossing , Sherbert Monastery , Ignite or die penninsula . Defend Riocliff Castle , Reviews would be appreciated! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hatchet Joe 

 Archer posted 08-11-03 15:15 EST (US) 9 / 45 It seems my point was missed. All I said was that making wood or stone a pinch point is fruitless if you give the player enough time.Dozens of other potential objectives are still available that can challenge the player.Or you if you still want to use stone or wood as a bottleneck then you need to include distraction events or invasions of some sort to keep the player from slowly creating a free pile of materials.This would be the exact terminology:Given enough dead time a player can overcome any "planned" shortage of wood or stone.

I still don't like the hidden marsh squares. This only works on flat, unimproved terrain. This means the designer made no landscaping effort at all in that area. It's not novelty, it's laziness. A combination of elevation, trees, and stones may not ultimately stop a player, but you can drastically slow them down. A time limit or scripted events can make this effort even more impossible. The same designer could also just make the swamp "official" and make it visible or use a river design instead. There are too many options available to deny land other than a fast scattering of these hidden squares. It shows the designer was rushed, bored, or unimaginative. All are signs of a poor foundation for a scenario.That same area could be densely packed woods that will take a small army of woodcutters to control it's expansion. The player is then forced to commit precious labor resources in large amounts to ultimately make use of the land. This would deny the area in a positive way and would add yet another challenge to the game.Or the designer could commit to another landscaping challenge and make a true lowlands effect with meandering brooks, small swamp areas, and mixed terrain/vegetation.There are simply too many options other than taking the easy way out and placing a hidden denial grid on dull terrain.As to using the keep placement as a way to "discover" the hidden areas, Jalis, I'd like you estimate how many player scenarios there are where the keep is unplaced. Almost none is the answer. So the keep placement idea is of no practical use.Whereas the Alt D method has practical value. Thanks for the suggestion, Lord Kyle.

I'm going ramble on a bit more and mention something else I found. Some designers like to ask why an AI invasion opponent picks certain signposts to attack from over another sign post. Or always runs the same path regardless of their starting location sign post.While there is other variables, I have discovered a major factor. When the AI has multiple paths to attack from, it will tend to follow the path that has the least number of gatehouses between the start point and the keep. I have tested this as a player quite a bit and have learned to effectively commit the AI to a single entry point sign post regardless of how many others there are. You can watch this in action using the Helms Deep III invasion. While it has only one sign post, you can make the AI switch attack tactics. As originally designed, the AI will always attack the lower outer gate house and ignore the upper outer one. The AI is faced with two gatehouses either way, but chooses the lower one because it is a weaker gatehouse. It's path is 2 small gate houses to the keep (the second being the small interior gate house).Now go to the editor and add another gatehouse inside the lower compound blocking the ramp up. This makes a 3 gate path to the keep. The AI will now start to send it's main thrust up the big exterior ramp to the big gate house as that path to the keep has only 2 gates houses.I have played several scenarios where I could force the AI to commit to a single sign post and attack path by having the other potential paths appear longer with the use of additional small gate houses. I was able to commit all my forces to a single area for protection and make a deadly kill box. The AI would always choose the path with numerous towers filled with ballista and bowmen that had only one gate to knock out rather than choose the route or sign post where it had no defenders, but several gate houses in its way.I'm sure my theory has some AI logic faults, but I have tested this quite a bit and found this to be extremely common with very few exceptions. Lord Blood Hawk 

 Archer posted 08-11-03 15:58 EST (US) 10 / 45 Jalis was trying to help you on the maps where you encounter this problem. I see no need to snap at him. Use a cathedral for testing if the keep is already placed. Hatchet Joe 

 Archer posted 08-11-03 16:25 EST (US) 11 / 45 As I saw no need for him to snap at me to begin with.Now you are falling into the same trap.So why don't we just let the matter drop and move on, ok?[This message has been edited by Hatchet Joe (edited 08-11-2003 @ 04:29 PM).] Sulis 

 HG Alumnus posted 08-11-03 16:48 EST (US) 12 / 45 Hmm. Some thoughts.Quote:

I did make a300x300 skirmish map for Extreme called "Drumburr" it's posted at Heaven Games. If you go to the stronghold & crusader downloads section and type Sir_Vet into the search box it will show all 24 of the Stronghold and Crusader maps that I have posted there.

You see, I was thinking about making maps for two players to fight against computer together, but it was always too easy somehow... If you play with one opponent, then maximum number of opponents is six, and that is three to one, which is not so hard. It is interesting, that's for sure, but it is less challenge. Also, when you play with your mom, for example, or your brother who hates to lose, there is not other option that to play allied with them. :D

I am aware of that, but maybe it would be better to upload two versions of the map at once, and this one for multiplayer to be tagged in some way? Because, if we both have different maps with the same name, there might have problems starting the game. ff782bc1db

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