Q: How can we support the local school district in this Mill Levy Override?

A: The biggest support you can provide is by VOTING YES on the November 2021 ballot question. Your ballot will arrive in mid-October.

Q: What will this vote mean for the local schools?

A: Kids will have the opportunity to learn a trade with a new vocational tech program, teachers will be paid a living wage and able to remain in Park County instead of being forced to leave for districts with better pay and lower cost of living, and students will have more opportunity to grow with expanded learning opportunities and extracurriculars.

Q: My property tax just went up, doesn't that go directly to the schools?

A: Contrary to popular belief, the district will not get the additional money from your property tax increase. The budget-stabilization factor the State uses means the total money the school receives will stay the same as in the past. A mill levy override is the only way our local schools can receive more money for the students and staff.

Q: How does increased pay get kids a better education?

A: Due to current salaries, our high cost of living, and lack of available housing it makes it incredibly difficult to hire staff, especially in fields that require specialized training. As a result, we are essentially training brand new teachers who leave after one or two years for districts with better pay and lower cost of living. Without increased local funding, we are completely reliant on the state-funding formula, which will never be more than the bare minimum.

Q: How does this measure benefit our community?

A: Increased pay allows our teachers to put down roots in our community and become long-term, invested community members. By paying for a vocational tech program, our graduates will be better equipped to enter the workforce.

Q: How are we going to increase our technology in the district?

A: Getting kids ready for the jobs of the 21st century requires modern technology, which will in addition, require increased bandwidth. Both of which the Mill Levy Override will pay for.

Q: How much is the district asking for?

A: $5.15 per month for the average homeowner this is the equivalent of 2.75 Mills which will generate an additional $875k for Fairplay, $225k for Lake George, and $65k for Guffey

Q: How much will this cost me?

A: $5.15 per month for the average homeowner. This is approximately $1.64 per month for every $100,000 of residential property and $6.65 per month per $100,000 of commercial property owners.

Q: But don’t teachers already make enough?

A: Our teachers are paid $18,000 per year lower than the statewide average (Colorado is 45th in the nation for teacher pay)