Life and Intelligence


Santa Fe Institute

You don't come here to get an answer to something. You come here to understand things in a different way.

The Santa Fe Institute was born of a fervent wish among a broad range of scientists that some day they might work together on some of the world's seemingly unsolvable problems.

Origin Of Life

This course aims to push the field of Origins of Life research forward by bringing new and synthetic thinking to the question of how life emerged from an abiotic world.

  • We explore what elements of modern life are absolutely essential for life, and ask what is arbitrary?
  • We analyze what physical concepts and laws bound the possibilities for life and its formation.


Judea Pearl 新书 The Book of Why 给出了强人工智能的一个蓝图.




  • Judea Pearl (2011 Turing Laureate), University of California, Los Angeles


Max Tegmark

  • Consciousness is a mathematical pattern
  • Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Computing a theory of all knowledge

Stephen Wolfram:WolframAlpha (WA) 是一个计算知识引擎,这是一种非常奇特的方式,可也以说 WolframAlpha 是一个可以回答你问题的平台。 WolframAlpha 以其数学能力而闻名,它可以成为一个非常强大的工具来帮助你进行计算。

我们需要 Teach Wolfram Alpha Cause and Effect.

其最新的研究 宇宙是一个图网络?「全球最聪明的人」刚刚为物理基础理论指出了全新道路 非常有趣,总结来说就是超图演化理论!沃尔夫勒姆在文章中宣称,超图描述了被他称为「因果不变性」(causal invariance)的原理。这意味着经过超图的各种路径有时可以汇合。这样的汇合使得事件在时间上的因果链得以保留。此外,沃尔夫勒姆认为他构建的超图可以解决目前关于「哪种理论最能解释基础物理」的争论。最近几十年出现了超弦理论、圈量子引力论、因果论等理论,并引起了长期的争论。沃尔夫勒姆认为超图可以囊括以上所有理论。