Star Model Grids

The stellar tracks are available as equivalent evolutionary phases (EEPs; Dotter 2016) for all masses 10-300 M and for v/vcrit = 0.4, 0.2, and 0.0.

[Fe/H] ranges from -2.00 to +0.50 in 0.10 dex steps.

The EEPs for a given metallicity value can be downloaded after clicking the links below (v/vcrit = 0.4, 0.2, and 0.0).

v/vcrit = 0.0

v/vcrit = 0.2

v/vcrit = 0.4

HR diagrams for the Stromlo tracks (Gal Con; pink) and MIST (solar; yelllow-blues).

HR diagrams for the Stromlo tracks with varying criticial rotation rate.