Stroke TV Media Is Endorsed By Global Business Celebrity Jeffrey Hayzlett

Welcome to Stroke TV Media Website.


Stroke TV Media is a multimedia platform dedicated to raising awareness about stroke and brain injury survivors by providing quality support to survivors. Stroke TV Media provides resources for recovery and rehabilitation. Founded by Aaron Avila, himself a stroke survivor, Stroke TV Media offers a variety of content, including podcasts, videos, and articles, to educate, inspire, and empower stroke and brain injury survivors and their families.

Through engaging interviews hosted by Aaron Avila's on his Stroke Of Genius Podcast Survivor Experience, guests share their personal stories, expert insights, and practical advice, Stroke TV Media addresses various aspects of stroke recovery, from virtual physical rehabilitation to emotional well-being and beyond. The platform also serves as a community hub where survivors can connect, share their experiences, and find support from others who understand their journey.

Checkout and subscribe to stroke TV Media YouTube Channel. 

And remember, Stroke Of Genius Podcast Survivor Experience Broadcasts live every Wednesday Morning at 9 AM PST on Stroke TV Media YouTube Channel.

In addition to its digital content, Stroke TV Media collaborates with healthcare professionals, advocacy organizations, and other stakeholders to promote stroke awareness and improve access to resources for survivors. The platform aims to make a positive impact on the stroke community by providing valuable information, fostering community connections, and advocating for the needs of survivors.

Overall, Stroke TV Media strives to be a trusted resource and ally for stroke survivors, offering hope, encouragement, and practical guidance as they navigate the challenges of recovery and rebuild their lives after stroke.


Aaron Avila 

CEO/Podcast Host

Stroke TV ​Media
