Q: How do I search Chinese characters?

A: You can search by selecting the 'Search' tab, and then type in the Chinese character into the search box. You will need a Chinese keyboard. If you don't have a keyboard, you can set one up using the Settings app.

From the Settings app, go to General/Keyboard/Keyboards, and then tap "Add New Keyboard". Selected a Chinese keyboard of your choice.

*Note that it is required that you already know how to type in Chinese to use this feature.

Q: Can I search for long and short form?

A: Yes, the Character database contains both long and short forms.

Q: Can I search Japanese Kanji?

A: It is not recommended. Searching Japanese Kanji may work, but the characters used may not be shared for both languages. Also Japanese Kanji stroke order may be differ from Chinese Characters. The stroke order animations were created from Chinese Character sources, and is not recommended for learning Kanji. Although Chinese Character and Kanji may have the same stroke orders, there are exceptions.