Optics for kids


Forskningsdagene ("The Research Days") is a national, annual festival under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway which has been held since 1994. The motto for the festival is "Room for big thoughts", and during the festival, researchers from all over Norway go out among people to demonstrate research in practice. Normally, you can experience hands-on science, but due to the corona-virus pandemic, the 2020 festival was all-digital. Watch our contribution: a virtual lab visit!

Have a look the forskningsdagene website for more contributions and the most up-to-date information on the whole festival.


Skolelaboratoriet offers activities for students and continuing and further education courses for teachers in science and technology. "Skolelab.no" is developed and operated by the School Laboratory of Science at the University of Bergen and we are happy to be a part of it.

Together with Dr Deanna Wolfson and Dr David Coucheron, we bring optics to the schools in the far north (or the schools come to us)!

If you want to have exciting optics experiments for physics class, please get in contact.