Strength-Based Parenting (SBP)

Welcome to our SBP website! We will use it as a place to share chapter assignments, exercises, resources and David's follow up notes from our book club meetings. This site is organized by our meeting numbers. Go to the upcoming meeting page for the chapters to read and exercises that you can try. Please note that I am using my personal Google account for this website. It is not a part of the official SSIS web presence.

Let's get started by going to the Meeting #2 page to see how to prepare for our second meeting.

Note: If you are parent accessing this site to learn more about Strength-Based Parenting, here is the website by Dr. Waters where you can learn more about the book and possibly take her online class.

First Meeting:


  • Overview-

    • The SBP approach is based on scientific research from the field of Positive Psychology.

    • We are a book club not a workshop or presentation series.

    • Hopes> Everyone does their best to read the assigned chapters. Everyone does their best to participate in table and whole group discussions.

    • Our focus is on participants reading, doing exercises and discussing with each other to find practical ways to apply SBP in their parenting.

    • David will wear multiple hats facilitating, teaching and providing resources.

  • Introductions- Introduce yourself and share the grade levels of your children.

  • Table Work- 3 questions>

    • What will a less COVID influenced world look like for you and your family in the coming year?

    • What are strengths and skills you are currently using in your parenting?

    • What parenting habits do you want to nurture and grow?

  • Planning-

    • Use this SBP website for reading assignments, exercises and resources. David will share the link tomorrow. Go to the Meeting 2 page to prepare for our next get together.

    • We scheduled three more meetings but we can do more if the group wants to continue.

    • Read chapters 1 and 2

    • Try to do the assigned exercises

    • You and your partner try to do the VIA Strengths Survey

    • Use the character strength definition handouts to help build your understanding. Both you and your partner try to do the Activity 6 handout after taking the VIA Strengths Survey.